 * Originally written by Kjetil Hårtveit.
 *		www.kjetil-hartveit.com
 * Version 1.1 - 16.10.10 13:23
 * @param array $allItems All of the items which you want to generate a pagelist of
 * @param int $page Current page
 * @param int $itemsPerPage Number of items you want to show per page
 * @param array $pageList Pagelist passed by reference. Each key-pair consists of key as urlformat and value as the page number.
 * @param string $urlFormat Optional url format. The first and only argument is the page number (%d).
 * @return array The current page items
function pageLister($allItems, $page, $itemsPerPage, &$pageList=array(), $urlFormat='%d')
	$page = $page ? (int) $page : 1;
	$numPages = ceil(count($allItems)/$itemsPerPage);

	$pageList = array();
		for ($i=1; $i<=$numPages; $i++)
			$pageList[sprintf($urlFormat, $i)] = $i;

	$currentPageItems = array_slice($allItems, ($page-1)*$itemsPerPage, $itemsPerPage);
	return $currentPageItems;